submission seventeen (17)

Title: Thanks

Your Story: I told my story, way too long and know no one wasted any time reading it, but writing it down, being honest, admitting what happened helped me turn the corner. I read what I wrote a dozen times and the last time I read it I realized putting the hurt down in words actually made me feel better, stronger, like my old self. If you are worried about telling your story dont, it cant be worse than mine, I promise. And when you see it written, when your story, the shit you hid from everyone, is out you can take a huge step forward.

submission sixteen (16)

Your Age: 51 +

Length of Relationship : 21 years or more

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: It's been a while - over a year ago

How did you learn about it?: 

He told me . We were laying in bed going to sleep and he told me he had cheated with someone he met at a bar. He lied, trickle truthed and hid secrets from that moment on.

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: 

When I found out I went numb., we had been married for 27 years and this was the second time he came and told me , the first time we were only married 3 yrs. we worked through that first infidelity. Now, 24 yrs later our son was two weeks out from starting University so I kept quiet till he moved out. Then I took a LOA from my job as I had a breakdown. I still suffer PTSD from the emotional , social, and verbal abuse I endured trying to reconcile. He lied through therapy, and I later discovered he was drinking a lot. After 2 years of therapy I discovered there might be a child involved with another AP which I knew nothing about. I continued medication : Wellbutrin and ciprilex to function.

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: 

I rarely eat - I drink a lot of coffee, I started smoking, doing drugs, and drinking to soothe the pain.

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: 

Now, four years since DDay I still see a therapist one on one , I use the “Tapping in” method to block the trauma. I have quit smoking and doing excessive drinking and drugs. I work out regularly and I’m fit. It’s still a rollercoaster as we are still separated not divorced. I have a tremendous support team : parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and many friends that have helped me through the tough days. I go on long walks , or ride my bike to breathe and feel alive. I started painting again which helps express myself and releases anxiety. I’ve rid myself of all his friends and family which was very hard after 34 yrs of being together.

What are your next steps?:

 I’m starting a new beginning for myself. I’m building my confidence, my self worth, my dignity. I’m getting better at being assertive and standing up for myself. I’m learning to put myself first and to say “no”. I’m living on my own and I’m very happy, I spend time with my son , we do soecisl things togy: concerts, bowling, sports watching, cooking and lots of laughing. I’ve landed an amazing new job, I’m traveling and I’m in a support group helping others going through the same trauma which helps me put things into perspective and makes me stronger.

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply): Shock/Disbelif, Anger, Sadness, Alone, Afraid, Strong, Empowered, Voiceless, Replaced, Betrayed, Devalued, Invisible, Shame/Ashamed, Cornered/Forced, Relieved

What emotions are missing from the list?: Traumatized , Humiliated, Belittled, powerless, Depressed, Lost, Suicidal, Revengeful

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: 

Every situation is different , regardless it was never about you it’s the BS and their lack of self respect and inability to be honest in their committed relationship that caused it. Communication is the key to a strong foundation in any relationship , always make time to talk and always be honest with each other. When difficult times arise that’s the time to really hold together and work through it before hurting each other.

What else would you like to share?: 

Once trust is broken it can’t ever be rebuilt. I believe in reconciliation- it’s hard work - it’s painful and tedious - it takes two to make it work. My STBXH never made reconciliation a priority and did nothing to mend our broken relationship, once I decided enough was enough and I left he went through the same set back as I did. Unfortunately he lost everything, his business, his fry, his family, his son, his loving wife - he’s left with looking at himself and wondering why. It breaks my heart to know that our life was going to be amazing cause we were getting ready for early retirement, his stupid choices has given us both a new future - we are now learning to live a life separately. I wish he had done the work to mend our marriage - he took everything for granted never even thinking I would one day say goodbye. I will always love him I just will never be able to trust him or forget how it made me feel.

submission fifteen (15)

Title: A Family BTrayed

Your Story: Betrayal…Infidelity…Unfaithful. These words all have new meaning for me. The man I’ve known for almost a decade could never embody those things. I would have sworn up and down that he would never cheat on me. His love was true. He was one of the “good ones”…the “faithful” ones. And so I stayed. I stayed even when he used hurtful words. I justified that his heart was pure and that if I could just stick in this with him we would find the right therapist, the right medication, the right path for healing his own hurt and I would have the beautiful man and the loving family I so desired and thought was possible.  

It was all a lie. Every word. Every look. Every moment. A charade where he was the puppet master and I was his puppet. His manipulation was flawless. Little by little his kind gestures turned to controlling behaviors. It happened at the speed that you watch your child grow in front of you. The change was almost unnoticeable, until you look back at old pictures, or revisit old memories. With each modicum of commitment he could get from me, it would strengthen his almighty ego. A narcissist feeding on his prey.

I stand here now in the devastation. Like a tornado has ripped through my life. My children and I survived and for that I am grateful. How could their father do this to them? To me? This “man” if you can even call him that, betrayed his own family. The ones who have cared for him and lifted him up. He has destroyed nearly every facet of my life leaving me devastated and shattered. Nearly all that I had built for myself and my children…gone, as a result of the decisions he made day in and day out to betray us on so many levels. The degree of his selfishness is staggering.

As painful as it has been to discover, and then start to process the sexual betrayal, it was the thing that finally opened my eyes wide enough to see this person for who he really was. The degree of devastation was not immediately apparent. Pealing the onion revealed layer upon layer of things I had not yet discovered about our story. Each cut so pungent that it made my eyes well up with tears. I am still sifting through the wreckage, searching for the next discovery…wondering when I will finally be through this painful phase.  

I’ve lost people I thought were my friends, been betrayed by the justice system, endured legal battle after legal battle and will probably be left to watch as all my money and property is taken from me piece by piece to make up for his “mistakes”. Yet there is no real end possible to my relationship with this person who has devastated me. We will always be forever linked through the lives we created. He will always be their dad.

I am trying to surrender to the process. Take joy in the simple things. Believe that somehow the future still holds hope for something better than this. That people are better than this.

And so I take the next step, and the next. Slow. Patient. Ever loving to myself.  

I hope that here with you all, I can find some comfort. Some foothold with which to start rebuilding my life. All my best to each of you as you walk your journey of healing. Let's lean on each other to form something stronger than we are alone.

submission fourteen (14)

Title: Never Told Anyone

Your Story: Sorry this is so long, don't read it, it is the first time I have ever admitted any of this and as I started to type if began to just flow.  

I have never told anyone this . I don't know why, probably embarrassment? I was married 29 years, with her for 33. I wasn't the best husband, or boyfriend, but I never once cheated. I spent too much time with friends before we had kids, softball, stuff like that, but still did a lot with my wife. After we had our first kid I stalled my trip up the ladder and did a work at home thing. That time with my son made my life. with our second child, a daughter, my wife's climb up the ladder was stalled for her so she quit working. 

I had to work longer hours than usual, and with kids it isn't easy, but we spent time together. I should have known she fell out of love 20 years ago. She always had somewhere to be, volunteered for everything, and was always gone. couldn't get her to go away for a weekend, couldn't get her to do much of anything. 

As time went on I came to the conclusion sitting home alone (kids were always busy, I did a lot with them though) I figured why not work more, it will help pay for college and help our retirement. So I did. I became what most people would call a success, and on the surface it looked like a happy family, but I really did not have a wife.  

In our mid 40's the kids went off to school, and since I am running my own company I have a lot more time to spend with my wife. I think everything is perfect, we go away weekends, we go on vacations, we go see the kids a lot, i notice she is on the phone, alot. She is constantly typing. I finally ask and she said you know, social media, friends, etc. Wish I followed up on this. 

A couple days after our 28th anniversary she was very sick, a flu if I remember correct. Her phone is blowing up and I knew she had a project due at work so I thought I would do her a favor. I got to know her boss, he and I became friends, so I grabbed her phone and let her sleep and figured I would text him and explain how sick she really is. Only it isn't him texting. It is "Sara".

Not sure how many women named Sara text "I cant wait to feel my balls in your mouth tomorrow," so I figured maybe this isn't Sara. It isn't Sara. Sara is a halfwit she used to work with 15 years ago. I felt guilty but I went through her phone and found a second facebook account that was double password protected. 

Figured it out quickly, she is sloppy with security. Over the summer she went to a seminar / overnight of people who are interested in spiritual stuff, like spiritual healers, psychic mediums or whatever. ever since her dad died 30 years ago she has had an interest in this stuff. When her mom died two years ago she really became interested. I don't believe at all in this crap, I have always lived for now with an eye towards the future, so I really had no interest but encouraged her to do what she could to make herself feel better. She apparently did. 

This weekend retreat was 40 or so women, all the same age. I never worried about my wife cheating at all. I am not the jealous type, and I truly believed she was the greatest person I had ever met. I especially didn't worry about these retreat things, I attended one with her once so she could show me what they are like in hopes of me taking an interest. Literally everyone in the groups are women aged, 40 to 70, who lost a loved one and are completely lost without them. They are seeking their past, not their future, they hurt and want help.

What never occurred to me is that there are predatory people who know this and take advantage of these women. This I sort of knew in a financial sense, my wife spent a lot of money on this shit. I earn a very good living, she earns a decent living, it seemed to help her, so I encouraged it. There is another type of predator, however, and that is sad sack former incels who pretend to have a gift but really have the goal of sleeping with attractive wealthy older women. I don't blame the guy at all, if she was interested she is at fault, but he is scum nonetheless.

When I found the messages it turns out "Sara" was one of these "healers". My wife was very sick, as I mentioned, so I didn't say anything that day. I did say I have to go out, I was pissed and didnt want to do anything stupid, so I went to see a lawyer. My lawyer was great, she laid out a plan, and I waited two weeks to confront my wife.  

She broke down right away,cried, said she is so sorry, she loves me, but the universe brought her and scumbag together. The universe gave her a sign and she doesn't want to hurt me but... But she did. I went through bank statements and she basically was this idiot's funding source. My lawyer severed our accounts, and while she makes decent money it isn't good enough to support him and half of our household. The lawyer set it up so each of us was responsible for half of the bills; mortgage, cars, school for the kids, kids cars, food, cable, etc.  

My wife felt so guilty she agreed to paying half. She said she was sorry, but the "universe" is never wrong. Turned out, however, the "universe" doesn't like being cut off of money and scumbag quickly dropped her. The sickest part is she wanted me to comfort her. I explained no, I am not helping, and she went to counseling. That helped her immensely. 

We had to separate for 6 months prior to divorcing it is the law here. I got an apartment near work, changed my phone number, and cut off all contact. I worked out, ran a lot, and worked. It helped a lot. Her counselor helped her immensely. After a couple of months I agreed to talk to her. She was very sorry, and very embarrassed. She said she was in a fog, and he took advantage of her, and she wants us to be together forever. I didn't tell her this but I missed her too. She was my everything. 

She told me she didn't know what happened, would do anything to get us back together, and worked very hard at it. She told me everything, including stuff about how 20 years ago she had a crush on someone she worked with. It wasn't necessary, at least the past stuff, that happens to all of us. i explained the same happened to me a couple of times, we are human. She gave me every detail of the affair I asked for, they only slept together a couple of times, and that she really did believe the universe was the cause of it. The counselor helped her realize this was a fantasy, and she was literally sick from embarrassment and shame. 

I said ok, lets try. To be honest I wish I didn't. I lover her, she was my everything. I looked up to her, I truly thought she was infallible. Maybe that is too much pressure on someone, but I really believed she was great. What hit me like a ton of bricks was the fact she really believed this universe shit. I thought she was the smartest person I had ever met. Clearly she isn't. She isn't even close. After a couple of months of reconciliation I realize this isn't for me. I have lost respect for her. I know I lost respect for the image I had of her, not the real her, but to me it doesn't matter.  

She isn't the person I married. What she did hurt me, and still hurts, and will always hurt. All the shit about the "universe" aside, she could have told him no, I am not interested. She could have told me the truth, there is someone else. She could have stopped it on her own. She could have sought counselling on her own. She could have ended the affair and admitted it. She didn't. She got caught or it would still be going on.  

She disagrees, of course, she says she was ready to confess everything and end it and try to fix us. She has proof of this, she booked a surprise trip for us to Mexico in mid February 2018 to Greece and we were going to talk it all out. She may be telling the truth, she may be very unlucky I found out because I wanted to help her when she was sick. She may be, but I don't believe in luck, or the "universe", I live in reality.  

During the reconciliation period over last year I tried. I went to marriage counseling, I did everything I could to try and love her again. We went on dates, long weekends away, I really put out the effort. She booked another trip this February to Mexico, that was my Christmas gift. It is the nicest resort in Cabo, one I have tried to get her to go to for years. She also cleared it with my employees in advance so I didn't have any work to do, she set up everything, even found a sitter for our dogs.  

When I opened the gift, looked at it, looked up at her, I saw nothing. I realized right there it was over. Both kids were home, so I didn't say anything, but I don't want to go. I don't want to be with her any longer. I am happy with me. I am getting healthy again for the first time in years, I enjoy being alone with me, I don't want her along for the ride any more.  

Within the next couple of days I have to tell her I am not going to Mexico. I also have to tell her why. The end result of her encounter with a scumbag, which was brought about by the "universe" led to the end of our marriage. I am not afraid she will do it again, I am disgusted she did it the first time. I am not hurt she chose someone else, I am hurt she lied. I am not hurt I found out, I am embarrassed I found out while trying to help cover for her being sick. I am not happily married, I am devastated I wasted 30 plus years on a total fraud. I am out.

submission thirteen (13)

Your Age: 51 +

Length of Relationship : 21 years or more

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: In the last few months - less than 90 days (3 months)

How did you learn about it?: 

I was watching tv on the couch across from the chair he was sitting in, we were both on our laptops, I moved over on the couch toward him where I never sit and noticed the screen he was looking at looked like a live person. I got up, looked at his screen, and he had changed it. Sat back down with my iphone, stretched out my arm with my phone and started to videotape him. I viewed the tape and was devastated. I pretended like I was going to bed, snuck back downstairs, came up from behind him and found he was watching watching live cam girls. Got into his history and found for the past 10 years he has been on webcam girl sites, porn and masterbating websites every waking moment he is home, til 3:00 in the morning. Even when I am sitting in the room with him he has been doing this as far back as I can go 10 years.

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: 

I feel ugly now, like I have never mattered, that I have only been there to be a mother for our children, to do all the housework and cooking and basically to take care of him. I feel I am there to be the wife for our social circle. I feel I am only there to serve a purpose, not to be a partner. I am angry, anxious, can't sleep, can never stop thinking about it. I feel like the outside woman.
When I found out I was devastated, I immediately felt cheated on, that I was never loved or respected.

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: 

Everything has changed, I don't sleep, I overeat, I cannot get my work done at work because I'm always online trying to find answers as to how to handle this, why it happened.

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: 

I have been seeing a therapist because as you know, this isn't something you can talk to your friends about. I am holding all my emotions in, my spouse refuses to continue consoling, he is blaming everything on me, that I drove him to porn.

What are your next steps?: 

I am continuing therapy, My husband claims to have stopped watching porn. We have agreed to work on our sex life, but it is hard when I don't know if he is thinking of me or his porn star cam girl that he's been with for the past 10 years. One day at a time

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply): 

Shock/Disbelif, Anger, Sadness, Alone, Voiceless, Replaced, Betrayed, Invisible, Shame/Ashamed

What emotions are missing from the list?: 

Disgusted. Unloved. Disrespected.

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: 

I guess I am looking for advice myself. It is a horrible experience, not knowing if your loved

What else would you like to share?:

submission twelve (12)

Your Age: 31-40

Length of Relationship : 11 - 20 years

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: It's been a while - over a year ago

How did you learn about it?: 

I had to investigate and found more than I ever imagined

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.:

 I feel like he will never fully be honest and it makes it very hard to start over

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: 

I am finally almost back to normal with the occasional nightmare

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: 

Lots of prayer and time for myself. I am not pushing myself to make any final decisions and am waiting and watching

What are your next steps?: 


What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply): 

Shock/Disbelif, Anger, Sadness, Alone, Strong, Replaced, Betrayed, Devalued, Shame/Ashamed

What emotions are missing from the list?:

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: 

Do not make any hastey decisions and put yourself first. Take very good care of yourself and know that what you are feeling is normal and do not beat yourself up over it.

What else would you like to share?: 

I really am not sure if my husband has always liked and cheated or if he made a couple of very poor choices.

submission eleven (11)

Title: Unrequited text

Your Story: My husband of 22 years is from another state...recently on FB an old girlfriend contacted him...he hasn't seen her in first he told me about her she was 13 years old he was 16...hes 55 now...they reminisced about old times...he said they never had sex bc he left her when he found out she was 13...he saw her a few times over nextv3cyears bc they had same friends...she screwed up her life husband drug dealer murdered...cancer last year...sick all the time...ex has HIV gets tested all the time...she shares all if this and more with him...and even more intimate things including her feelings for him still...she sent him messenger texts about her still using drugs and drinking...he didnt tell me this until her texts she sent him love songs and kisses cute little heart filled pics and photos...I saw them once and he didn't lie he said they were from his friends wife...turns out they were not together any forward to first week of January I get our phone bill which I dont usually look at but I had deleted one of my best friends new phone numbers and was looking for it in the bill is usually 8 pages long...this time I noticed it was 30 pages wtf moment...calls and texts to the same number hours and hours times when I was at work and at home...his time he goes to the gym...I confronted him and he told me it was nothing he was just trying to help get away from drugs and alcohol and help her with her illnesses...but he deleted all if the texts...hes my husband and I trusted him...then I asked to see his phone he refused...I waited til he was not around and it was plugged in...he had very intimate conversations with her...I heard him on the phone with his friend saying I love her...he said that he was telling him he loved the guys wife fir helping him with something...that note he talked to her about it saying I was watching him like a hawk and then hevsaid... she heard me tell my friend I love you...that hurt so bad...again I start up a conversation about it and he came clean and said he felt bad he left her when he did and she got caught up in drugs and felt he was to blame...he said he loves her family but their comments to each other say more...she sent him the song how deep is your love the beegees his reply Deeper than you know...she tells him about her hemorrhoids her period her breast biopsy her daughter being in an abusive relationship...getting raped when she was in her twenties saying hes the only one she ever told...again conversation with hubby I'm not leaving you for her I'm not cheating I'm still here...but his heart is not here lots of talking...he kept it secret bc she diesnt like everyone to know her business...she created a new page just for him...her cleavage is her fb pic...shes very needy and I dont want to throw away 22 years of good times with him...he says she said when she finds a man she will have to let hubby go another wtf texting cheating? Intimacy of any kind with someone other than your significant other is still cheating.

submission ten (10)

Your Age: 41-50

Length of Relationship : 11 - 20 years

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: A while ago - 6-12 months

How did you learn about it?: 

My 5 year old son.

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: 

Stunned, shocked, heartbroken, broken.

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: More drinking, excercise, ruminations.

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: 

Excercise, therapy, social support, distraction, drinking.

What are your next steps?: 

Trying to let go of anger. Wishing he would die.

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply):

Shock/Disbelif, Anger, Sadness, Alone, Voiceless, Replaced, Betrayed, Devalued, Invisible, Shame/Ashamed, Cornered/Forced

What emotions are missing from the list?: 

All the positive ones.

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: 

Everyone says time heals. I am not so sure that is sufficient.

What else would you like to share?: The power of the anger inside me astonishes and is unlike any emotion I have ever experienced.

submission nine (9)

Your Age: 41-50

Length of Relationship : 21 years or more

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: Recently - less than 30 days

How did you learn about it?: 

Caught him over the woman's house

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: 

Anger, betrayed, hurt,

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: 


What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: 

God and his word

What are your next steps?: 

Learn to forgive but not forget

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply):

Anger, Sadness, Betrayed, Devalued, Shame/Ashamed

What emotions are missing from the list?:

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: 

Remember your vows, examine yourself, ask God for help

What else would you like to share?:

submission eight (8)

Title: The affair

Their Story: My husband and I have been married for 10yrs. Yes we've had our ups and downs but I felt like we loved each other and would make it. I have supported him through a tour in Iraq, his job,which hes been to police academy twice for. We have 4 children. I did everything at home cook, clean, take care of the kids. He has always provided for us. I supported every hobby hes had which his recent one is weightlifting. We did crossfit together and I though we were doing good. We have had some financial struggles as expected with a big family. Anyways I've always thought he had some mental issues like PTSD from his childhood, Iraq, and his job but he would ignore me. Couple of months ago he finally went to the VA. He was found to have tumor on his pituitary gland but he has not officially been diagnosed with PTSD. He had become very irritable with me and the children, nothing I did was ever good enough. He would find reasons to stay away from home. About 3months ago he decided to move out. Told me it was so he could take treatments for his tumor which was cancer and get better mentally and we could work on us. He had just kept becoming more and more distant. Then I found out about the other woman. She is 9 years younger and goes to our gym. I knew the first time I ever saw her she was trouble well I was right. He of course denied like crazy then admitted it was a brief lapse of judgement a mistake that he never slept with her. I believed him at first. But he asked for a divorce when I found out. Said we have been unhappy for years, I said I must have been in lala land cause I never felt that. I recently found out he had been with her for months even when he was still living at home telling me he loved me and sleeping with me. I have never felt so much hurt, anger, and just disgust for someone. He continues to lie about his relationship with this girl which I dont understand. This girl is in love and thinks he loves her who knows maybe he does but why does he continue to hide her. I dont wont him back cause I can never look at him the same but I want him to hurt like I do and miss me like I do him.