sixty-two (62)

Your Age: 41-50

Length of Relationship : 11 - 20 years

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: Recently - less than 30 days

How did you learn about it?: I saw a text message his guy friend sent him and it mentioned my husband’s girlfriend. My husband didn’t deny it when I confronted him.

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: Sick to my stomach. Heartbroken. Disgusted. Angry at myself. I feel these same things now and then.

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: I don’t eat or sleep when stressed. He did this 10 years ago and it destroyed my health. This time I’m focused on not letting that happen again.

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: Walking the dog 3 miles every morning (I wasn’t sleeping anyway), yoga, definitely got closer to God.

What are your next steps?: Work on healing from this toxic 19 years, take a couple classes that I need to apply for a different job that I’ve wanted for s while, keeping getting healthier inside and out. Live in the now...not rehash the past or worry about the future.

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply):Anger, Sadness, Alone, Afraid, Strong, Replaced, Betrayed, Devalued, Invisible, Shame/Ashamed, Relieved

What emotions are missing from the list?:Vengeful, not proud of that one

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: Run when the first red flags appear!! Trust your gut. You cannot fix him, nor is it your job!

What else would you like to share?: