three hundred sixteen (316)

Your Age: 31-40

Length of Relationship : 3 - 5 years

How long ago did the betrayal occur?: A little while ago - 3-6 months

How did you learn about it?: Not sure

Describe how you are feeling now, or how you felt when you found out.: Dont no if I can trust him

How have your normal habits changed (eating, sleeping, etc)?: Many changes

What are you using to cope with your emotions? Is it working for you?: I drink alote

What are your next steps?: Dont know

What emotions have come up for you as you've been going through this? (select all that apply):Shock/Disbelif, Anger, Sadness, Betrayed

What emotions are missing from the list?: Heart broken

What advice would you give to others in this situation?: Dont trust him if he is not with you

What else would you like to share?: Nothing